What's New

2012: The New Carolers

     New caroler faces seem to be popping up in stores everywhere. A recent trip to the Byers' Choice Factory in Chalfont, PA granted us a sneak peek at all the 2012 Carolers! Many Carolers like the sweet Valentine Girl, Irish girl, and Easter boy and Girl have been already purchased and displayed. Although, pictures of the newest additions to the Caroler family can be seen on the Byers' Choice website, our adventure to Chalfont proved that the pictures did not truly capture the spirit of the 2012 Byers' Choice Carolers. 

Easter 2012

With Easter right around the bend, many collectors and stores are beginning to display the newest Easter Carolers. A great addition to 2011's Easter boy and girl, this year's carolers are sure to bring Easter cheer! Hoppy Easter! 

This Easter Girl features fun bottle brush trees,  check out the Home Page for more info on them!

Feel Free to post Comments/Feelings on the New 2012 Easter Carolers

New Valentine Girl 2012
I just got this girl as a Valentine's Day present and I just love her!  She is adorable in her heart embellished dress and pigtails.  By far my favorite Valentine's Day girl!  Did you get her this Valentine's Day let us know! Please add your comments.

She is the perfect addition to my Valentine's Collection!


  1. I've always wanted to visit the Byers' Choice Factory! I am always wondering what the carolers will look like in person!

    1. We will post pictures of our next trip to the factory! It's an amazing place to stop at if you live in the Chalfont area!
