Featured Byers' Choice SHOPS

The Gift Emporium @ Byers' Choice in Chalfont, PA
4355 County Line Road
Chalfont, PA  18914

Mon-Sat  10AM to 5PM
Sun Noon to 5PM
Closed Major Holidays

Between the wonderful displays and observation deck of the Byers' Choice factory- the gift emporium is a wonderful place to shop after taking in all the sights that the Byers' Choice factory has to offer.  Don't forget to get dressed up and take a picture in the wonderful streets of London.
Jessica, Grandma, and Alyssa dressed like the Carolers!


  1. I wish I could visit the Emporium, but I live too fair away! Maybe one day I can finally visit!

    1. You definitively should visit the Byers Choice Emporium, it is a wonderful trip to take. However, if you do plan a trip out to Chalfont, PA make sure you visit on a weekday so you can see the Carolers being made from the Observation Deck!
